Sunday, July 8, 2012


On our shopping spree at Natural Grocers we bought some locally made berry flavored kombucha.  I wanted to like it soooo bad since it's locally made, obscure, and bubbly (I seem to love anything bubbly), but I've got to say - not my cup of tea. It's got a strong vinegar taste, that's not bad, but not necessarily good either.

I will admit, I had no clue what kombucha was when I tried it.  The bottle we bought had no label what so ever, just a paper tag on the top of the bottle indicating what was inside. After scouring the internet, I think my hopes were misaligned with reality.

Kombucha is basically/fermented moldy tea. It looks like it originated in China, and according to wikipedia there are loose references to it being referred to as the "beverage with magical powers enabling people to live forever" all the way back in 206 BC....had I known that, I would have expected a sour stinky drink.

So why would someone want to drink a bubbly moldy tea that tastes like vinegar? According to wikipedia this stuff has hundreds of healing powers/health benefits.  Kombucha will:
- Detoxify the body and energize the mind
- Add in cancer recovery
- Increase energy
- Sharpen eyesight
- Aid in joint recovery
- Improve skins elasticity
- Aid in digestion
- Help keep foods like rice and pasta from "sticking" when eating

But, there is no research backing any of these claims, so buyer beware.

I also found it intriguing that just ten days ago Whole Foods pulled kombucha off their shelves because it may be an alcoholic drink.  They ferment the tea just like alcohol, and I guess .5% alcohol content is allowed as non-alcoholic, but they are suspecting the tea continued to ferment while it was shipping to the stores, meaning it could be up to 3% alcohol content, at which case it needs to be marketed and sold as alcohol.  (In Kansas this will be a big deal because they have all kinds of crazy laws about selling liquor - it can only be sold between 6am and midnight, if it's over 3.2% it can't be sold in a gas station or grocery store, etc.)  

According to articles on the net Whole Foods is currently in the process of testing all of their kombucha brands, but that was days ago, and I swear I was at Whole Foods just yesterday and saw a kombucha section in the refrigerated section...but I was unable to find any official statement from Whole Foods on the mater.  Maybe they were wrong and tried to remove all evidence of the questioning?  Who knows?

Regardless of the matter, bubbly fermented tea that is suppose to make me live forever, and may or may not get me buzzed sounds awesome.  (I just wish I liked the taste!)

If your interested in trying it, Whole Foods and Natrual Grocers both sell a brew that is made here in Kansas City "Local Bucha."  and I read that the BadSeed farmers market has some for sale too (I think I'm going to try their farm brew next).  Also note, according to Local Bucha's website, some batches are more acidic than others, and some are more bubbly than others, so maybe I'd like a milder batch?  The search will continue.

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