Friday, June 29, 2012


To me food is rather sacred.  I splurge on high end ingredients, and cherish them as much as possible.  However its inevitable, some food will be wasted.

Today I realized there are different forms of waste in my book... if one buys a piece of fruit but never eat it, its a little disappointing, but I realize you can't always win.  If one orders a meal at a restaurant and only eats half of it...good for you, I hope you enjoyed the half you did eat, but good for you on stopping when you were full rather than make yourself sick on the excess...however if I decide the other half is worth taking home, get it all boxed up, then leave it on the restaurant's table, this greatly saddens me...but, if I take it home, and then never get around to eating it, oh well, no biggie.

The biggest nails on the chalk board to me is when I forget to put leftovers from a home cooked meal in the fridge, or find that my boyfriend forgot to put an entire gallon of milk back in the fridge after pouring a tiny bit over his cereal.

This morning I found an unopened package of raw chicken sitting on the kitchen counter, abandoned and forgotten last night. My heart sank; what a waste!  And I started thinking about how I throw food out all the time that never bothers me...but some things, like half drunken glasses of sodas/juice or food that never makes it back into the fridge when it is removed only momentary, just drives me insane.

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