Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Fruit!

It seems like whenever I'm in the mood to try something new all I have to do is hang out in the produce section at the grocery store.  Have you noticed that they keep bringing in new strange fruits and veggies?

Last year my biggest finds were pluots (a hybrid of a plum and apricot) and rambutan (a crazy fruit that looks like a sugar gum seed - a round ball covered in prickly spines) you split the spiny shell in half and there is a watery grape in the middle that tastes kind of like a pear.

This year my biggest discovery to date were champagne never even occurred to me that one could buy champagne grapes, but there they were in $5 plastic boxes at Whole Foods.

They are about the size of small blueberries, and they taste like an extra sweet/extra flavorful grape.  We bought them to share with friends, but honestly they are so tiny that its a little difficult to pluck them off the stem, so they didn't share well...I bet if we would have cut them into small bundles so everyone could just take a bundle they would have like them better.

Have you been to a frozen yogurt shop where they have tiny little boba balls?  These grapes tasted just like that!  When you squish them they just burst with flavorful liquid.  Which now that I'm thinking of it, they would be great as an ice cream topping!

If you happen to see them in the store you should get them!  They're totally worth the mini splurge.

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