Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is there such a thing as too many kitchen timers?

We have three timers in our kitchen.  This happened by fluke, but I love having all three timers.

We have two cheep timers that stick to the fridge, which is awesome because I'm always carrying one of them into another room, and it's a 50/50 chance if the timer will be returned to it's proper place when I'm done cooking, but inevitably one of the two timers is always where it needs to be, so two little timers seems to be plenty...but those are cheep timers that only go up to one hour...and while I have the best intentions, if I'm cooking something that takes several hours, I need a buzzer to remind me to check on it.  So we have a fancier larger one that sits on top of the stove.  The fancier timer will even count up to 24 hours (which is nice when I'm making yogurt), AND after the timer goes off, it starts counting how long it's been since the timer went off...so if you miss the buzzing noise and wonder how long did you overshoot it this timer will tell you....(which I can see the need for, but I've never actually needed this function since all three timers are portable, you just take them with you wherever you go!) To me this backwards counting seems to act like a nag saying "It's been 16 hours since you last cooked."

It seems to me that many people when getting married request a kitchen timer in their registry, but I firmly believe they should not get just one kitchen timer, they should get two...or three....but then I would be the weird friend, insisting they need two of everything...so maybe I should buy them one, and not mark it off on their list with hope that someone else will buy them one too "by mistake."

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